Planzer Takes Over Quickpac and Quickmail

Planzer Takes Over Quickpac and Quickmail

Thu, Feb 1st 2024

Planzer Expands Its Reach: Taking Over Quickpac and Quickmail to Boost Swiss Parcel and Mail Services.


The logistics company Planzer is taking over the postal service providers Quickpac and Quickmail, as Planzer announced on Thursday. All of the approximately 3600 employees of Quickpac and Quickmail will be taken over, as Planzer stated on request.

Almost two weeks ago, the Competition Commission (ComCo) prohibited a planned takeover of the Quickmail Group with its subsidiaries Quickmail and Quickpac by Swiss Post. The reason given for the ban was the threat of restrictions on competition. For its part, the Quickmail Group had stated that it was no longer economically feasible to continue operations independently due to its red figures.

Deal within a week

The takeover by Planzer was completed within a week, explained Planzer spokesman Jan Pfenninger when asked by the Keystone-SDA news agency. For this reason, no further details on the business prospects can be provided at this time.

For Nils Planzer, CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Planzer, the takeover means that private alternatives to state solutions will continue to exist in both markets and will be further strengthened. He sees this as real added value for the Swiss economy and competition. This will create “an exciting and sustainable force in the Swiss parcel and partially liberalized letter market”.

According to the press release, Quickpac customers will now benefit from nationwide parcel logistics. Quickpac is to be merged under the “Planzer Paket” brand in the medium term.

With the acquisition of Quickmail, Planzer says it is expanding its range of services to include addressed and unaddressed mail in the partially liberalized mail market. Planzer intends to continue Quickmail as a brand and independent organization.

All employees are taken on

Quickpac was founded by private investors in 2009 following the reduction of the letter monopoly to 50 grams. The company specializes in the delivery of mailings, magazines and catalogs and is active in all parts of the country. Around 500 people are employed at six locations.

Quickmail has around 3100 employees, some of whom have very small workloads, as the Planzer spokesperson explained. Planzer will take on all employees.

In a statement, the Syndicom trade union welcomed the takeover by Planzer. This is good news for the employees. The takeover is all the more positive given that a collective employment contract (CEC) has recently been signed with Planzer. This governs the employment relationships of the employees of the “Planzer Paket” parcel service. It is expected that the “new” colleagues from Quickpac and Quickmail will be subject to the current CLA.

Planzer was founded in 1936. The logistics company is a family-owned stock corporation and employs around 5900 people at 69 locations in Switzerland, Italy, Luxembourg, Germany, France and Hong Kong.


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