251 Women and Men are Candidates for the National Council in the Canton of Geneva.

Published: Tuesday, Aug 8th 2023, 16:40

Updated At: Friday, Oct 13th 2023, 14:12

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In the canton of Geneva, 251 candidates are vying for the 12 seats in the National Council, while 13 candidates are running for the two seats in the Council of States. The provisional lists of candidates for the National Council elections and the first round of the Council of States elections on October 22 have been released by the Geneva State Chancellery. The definitive lists will be published on August 14. The candidates for the National Council are spread across 30 lists, while those for the Council of States are spread across 9 lists. The majority of parties have put forward several sub-lists for the People's Chamber. The FDP, SVP, Centre and Mouvement citoyens genevois (MCG) have formed a list alliance for the National Council elections. In addition, the four parties have agreed to run on a "joint ticket" in the second round of the Council of States elections. Currently, the 12 Geneva seats in the National Council are held by three Greens, two Social Democrats, two FDP and SVP representatives each, one representative of the Centre, one Green Liberal and one representative of "Ensemble à gauche". In the Small Chamber, the Left has the upper hand with Green Lisa Mazzone and Social Democrat Carlo Sommaruga. The Right has the ambition to end this dominance by joining forces.nnnnnn


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