Freiburg’s transport companies to become more environmentally friendly

Published: Sunday, Mar 3rd 2024, 14:20

Updated At: Sunday, Mar 3rd 2024, 14:20

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Transport companies in the canton of Fribourg are to become more environmentally friendly. Voters have approved an increase of CHF 60 million in the canton's share capital. The transport companies want to invest almost 600 million in more sustainable mobility by 2030.

67,345 voted in favor of increasing the stake, while 49,271 rejected the proposal. The approval rate was therefore 57.75 percent. The turnout was 55.9 percent, as announced by the State Chancellery.

The canton holds a stake of over 75% in Transports Public Fribourgeois (TPF). TPF plans to invest over CHF 580 million by 2030, in particular to replace local and regional buses, which are currently powered by fossil fuels, with electric or hydrogen-powered buses.

To support the project, payment is planned in three tranches of CHF 20 million each in the years 2024 to 2026.

The city of Fribourg, which holds a stake of over 16% in TPF, also supports the project. It approved a loan of 12.5 million francs.

The Fribourg cantonal parliament approved the increase in the state's stake in the share capital of CHF 60 million last fall. The result was clear with 83 votes in favor and 13 against.


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