National Council Wants More Involvement in Relations with the EU

Published: Thursday, Sep 28th 2023, 15:39

Updated At: Friday, Oct 13th 2023, 14:12

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The National Council of Switzerland has voted to strengthen parliamentary involvement in European policy. On Thursday, the Council voted 108 to 68 in favour of an amendment to its business regulations, creating a permanent subcommittee for European affairs within the Council's Foreign Policy Commission (APK-N). This subcommittee will focus on the development of EU law that affects Switzerland, such as the Schengen Agreement. The Council also voted 131 to 45 in favour of a change to the Parliament Act, requiring the Federal Council to inform Parliament of Switzerland's involvement in EU cooperation programs such as Horizon and film funding. This was proposed by Eric Nussbaumer (SP/BL) in a parliamentary initiative. The business is now ready for final voting, and will be sent to the Council of States for consideration.


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