New Performance Protection Law Divides Media

Published: Saturday, Sep 16th 2023, 07:01

Updated At: Friday, Oct 13th 2023, 14:12

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The Swiss Federal Council has proposed a new law, the so-called Leistungsschutzrecht, which would require large internet companies to pay for the use of media content. This proposal has been welcomed by the Swiss Media Association (VSM), who argue that the internet giants benefit greatly from the media content, as it allows them to collect data on the interests of internet users and place targeted advertising. However, the smaller, independent media organisations, who are part of the Media with Future (VMZ) association, have expressed doubts about the new law, arguing that it prevents debate about media funding. In summary, the Swiss Federal Council has proposed a new law which would require large internet companies to pay for the use of media content. This proposal has been welcomed by the Swiss Media Association, but has been met with scepticism from smaller, independent media organisations.nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn


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