Tunnels worth millions to relieve Zug and Unterägeri of traffic

Published: Friday, Feb 9th 2024, 09:40

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Two tunnels are to relieve the town of Zug and Unterägeri of through traffic. On March 3, voters will decide on the two major projects, which together will cost over one billion Swiss francs.

In Zug, a 1953-metre-long relief tunnel is planned, starting at Artherstrasse and ending just before the Gubelstrasse SBB underpass. The SBB underpass and Gubelstrasse up to the Aabachstrasse junction will be redesigned. Cost: 747.3 million Swiss francs. Construction period: 2034 to 2041.

In Unterägeri, a 1808-metre-long relief tunnel is planned from Sagenmattli to the Theresia parking lot. This will cost around 308.4 million Swiss francs and will be built between 2033 and 2036.

Two separate loans

Two separate loans will be submitted to the electorate. This was decided by the cantonal parliament last summer - contrary to the wishes of the government, which proposed a single loan. The Council backed the projects and decided to hold a referendum for both loans, which means they will be put to the people.

The town centers of Unterägeri and Zug have been heavily burdened by traffic for years. The two bypasses have a long history. In Unterägeri, one was already a major issue in the 1950s in connection with the abolition of the tramway to the Ägerital. In Zug, a tunnel has been part of a future cantonal road network since the 1960s.

In 2015, the Zug electorate rejected a variant of a city tunnel that would have relieved Zug city center of through traffic. This was partly due to the high costs of CHF 890 million.


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