Swiss pension system performs well in country comparison

Swiss pension system performs well in country comparison

Wed, Oct 18th 2023

The Swiss pension system lands in the top quarter in a global comparison of pension systems.

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According to the new “Global Pension Index 2023” published on Tuesday by the consulting firm Mercer and the CFA Institute (MCPGI), the Netherlands has the best pension system, followed by Iceland and Denmark.

The Swiss pension system still comes in eleventh place in the survey out of a total of 47 systems analyzed, Mercer announced Tuesday. The index assesses pension systems based on three sub-indices for adequacy (“How much do you get?”), sustainability (“Can the system continue to function in the future?”) and integrity (“Can the system be trusted?”).

The Swiss pension system was rated above average in all three subcategories, the statement said. The lowest scores in the three sub-indices were for South Korea’s system on adequacy, Austria’s on sustainability and the Philippines’ on integrity.

For Switzerland, Mercer sees room for improvement, not least in the investment of pension assets: While global markets are constantly evolving, the approaches of Swiss pension funds are “quite traditional” with a strong focus on Swiss bonds, real estate and equities, according to the consultancy.


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