Swiss National Council Reject An Increase in Child and Education Allowances

Swiss National Council Reject An Increase in Child and Education Allowances

Tue, Apr 16th 2024

Proposal for a substantial hike in child and education allowances fails in the Swiss National Council.

KEYSTONE/Christian Beutler

During its special session on Monday, the National Council rejected an increase in child and education allowances of CHF 100 each by 121 votes to 64.

They justified this as there is already an increase of fifty francs that has been approved by the Social Affairs Committee.

Valérie Piller Carrard (SP/FR) said her parliamentary initiative was the to preserve families’ purchasing power. The federal government currently stipulates an allowance of CHF 200 for children under the age of 16 and CHF 250 for young people in education up to the age of 25.

Piller Carrard wanted to increase these minimum amounts to 300 and 350 francs respectively. In addition, low-income families should receive a further 50 francs per child per month.

Samira Marti (SP/BL), speaking for the minority of the Social Security and Health Committee (SGK-N), said that children should not fall into the poverty trap. Only five cantons would only pay the minimum allowances.

Diana Gutjahr (SVP/TG) explained on behalf of the majority of the committee that the committee had already agreed to an increase of CHF 50 per allowance and approved the corresponding parliamentary initiative by Marc Jost (EVP/BE). The matter is currently before the Council of States’ sister committee.

In this way, the Commission is accommodating families without placing a greater burden on employers. They have to pay the family allowances. According to calculations by the Federal Social Insurance Office, Piller Carrard’s initiative would entail costs of CHF 1.2 billion per year.


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